Make Real Estate Investment Accessible to Everyone.

Let’s all be landlords
アイコン Language: 日本語|English

  1. みんなで大家さん販売株式会社
  2. Customer Information
  4. Distributions


Schedule for(Receiving the Distributions)

Schedule for(Receiving Distributions)

  • ※1:The distributions will be calculated on a pro-rata basis for the number of days in operation including the date of investment.
  • ※2:In principle, the information is available on the Web, but it will be sent separately to those who request it (the release period may be around the same time).

Issuance of the Investment Certificates

Issuance of the Investment Certificates

The contract will become effective upon the signing of the contract form and the transfer of the funds. After the contract is concluded, you will receive a certificate of your investment. Please keep it in a safe place.

Calculation Methods of the Distributions

It will be calculated based on rental income, which is the amount of rental income less rental expenses.

Calculation Formula

Calculation Methods of Distributions

*1 The amount of the distributions you receive will be the amount calculated using the formula above, less withholding tax.
*2 Amounts less than one yen will be adjusted accordingly.

Calculation Periods of the Distributions

For odd-numbered-month distribution products
The calculation period for the distributions is six times a year, from the first day of odd-numbered months (January, March, May, July, September, and November) to the last day of the following month, and the distribution date is the last day of the month two months after the calculation period (the last workday of the month).
For products distributed on even-numbered months
The calculation period for profit the distributions is six times a year, from the first day of even-numbered months (February, April, June, August, October, and December) to the last day, and the distribution date is the last day of the month two months after the calculation period (last business day of the month).

Customer Information Menu

Feel free to call us.

Business Hours: 9:00~17:00, Monday ~ Friday