Make Real Estate Investment Accessible to Everyone.

Let’s all be landlords
アイコン Language: 日本語|English

  1. みんなで大家さん販売株式会社
  2. Customer Information
  4. Changes in Asset Scale

Changes in Asset Scale

MOH-series, an asset management service based on the FTK Act was launched in 2007 and has continued to date. The social situation in Japan has continued to deteriorate due to various social crises such as the Lehman shock, the Great East Japan Earthquake, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Even under such severe circumstances, we have been working on sales of “MINNADEOOYASAN” in which TOSHI-SOUKEN INVEST FUND Inc. is the operator, in order to contribute to a prosperous lifestyle with less anxiety.

As a result, our business has expanded to 236.1 billion yen by 2023, and the distributions to our customers have reached 28.7 billion yen without ever falling below the assumed distribution rate.We will continue to move forward into the future with our customers through the operation of “MOH-series”, instruments that distribute profits earned from prime real estate.
We will continue to move forward with our customers into the future through the operation of “MOH-series”, instruments that distribute profits earned from prime real estate.

Accumulated amount of contributions
Accumulated amount of contributions(for Preferred Portion)

Customer Information Menu

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Business Hours: 9:00~17:00, Monday ~ Friday