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アイコン Language: 日本語|English

  1. みんなで大家さん販売株式会社
  2. CSR
  3. Consideration for the Global Environment

Consideration for the Global Environment

MOH is aware of its social responsibility as a company and has created an “Environmental Policy” to reduce the environmental impact of its own business activities and to contribute to reducing the environmental impact of society as a whole. We aims to realize a sustainable society through compliance with the policy.

Environmental Policy

  1. We will establish an environmental management system by assessing the environmental impact of our business activities and continuously improving it
  2. We strive to conserve energy, conserve resources, recycle, and prevent environmental pollution in order to harmonize our business activities with the global environment.
  3. We will comply with environmental laws, regulations, and requirements to which we agreed.
  4. We will engage in proactive educational activities to raise awareness of environmental issues among all executives and employees and to promote environmental conservation activities.
  5. This environmental policy will be thoroughly communicated to all officers and employees and will be disclosed to the general public.

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Business Hours: 9:00~17:00, Monday ~ Friday