Make Real Estate Investment Accessible to Everyone.

Let’s all be landlords
アイコン Language: 日本語|English

  1. みんなで大家さん販売株式会社
  2. CSR
  3. Customer Service

Customer Service

Our support staff is always on hand. Our well-trained support experts support our clients with a wide range of knowledge about asset management, from product explanations to asset management.

Service by Support Staff

Our support is based on our motto of providing thorough responses to our customer’s problems and questions.
All of our support staff share the questions they hear over the phone and strive to answer each customer’s questions accurately until the very end.

Code of Conduct for Customer Service

We will always put ourselves in the customer’s shoes and strive to respond with sincerity and honesty.
2.Duty of confidentiality
We will manage information obtained through our dealings with customers thoroughly and observe confidentiality obligations.
3.Principle of explanation and conformity
When offering a product or service, we always provide an overview of the product and its risks in a manner that the other party can understand. In addition, we will comply with the principle of suitability by refraining from soliciting products in some cases, taking into consideration the knowledge, experience, and financial situation of the customer.
4.Prohibition of definitive representations
All investment products carry risk, and we never present any products as having definitive financial returns. Where we do make representations about the returns of our products, these are based on reasonable materials and judgements and are carefully considered to avoid misrepresentation.

Questions we receive from customers

We publish questions and opinions from our customers received at our Customer Service Center on our website.
For FAQs, please visit the Customer Service Center here.

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Feel free to call us.

Business Hours: 9:00~17:00, Monday ~ Friday