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  1. みんなで大家さん販売株式会社
  2. Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Established Oct. 1, 2021
Revised Jun. 26, 2023
Hoken Yanase, Representative Director

MINNADEOOYASAN-HANBAI Co., Ltd. fully recognizes its social mission with respect to the protection of all personal information handled by itself and complies with all laws and regulations regarding the protection of individual rights and personal information. In addition, we hereby declare that we have established a personal information protection management system that embodies the following policy, and that we will make organization-wide efforts to continuously improve the system, while always being aware of the latest IT technology trends, changes in social demands, and fluctuations in the business environment.

  1. Personal information will be collected, used and disclosed only to the extent necessary for our legitimate business operations in the Specified Joint Real Estate Ventures and for the employment and personnel management of employees, and personal information will not be handled beyond the extent necessary to achieve the specified purpose of use (use for other than the specified purpose). We will also take steps to ensure that personal information is not used for purposes other than those specified.
  2. We will comply with laws, national guidelines and other standards relating to the protection of personal information.
  3. In order to prevent the risk of leakage, loss, or damage of personal information, we will continuously improve our personal information security system by allocating management resources that match the actual conditions of our business to prevent such risks by taking reasonable security measures. In addition, we will promptly take corrective measures if any problems are found in the protection of personal information.
  4. We will respond promptly, sincerely, and appropriately to complaints and consultations regarding the handling of personal information.
  5. The personal information protection management system will be reviewed in a timely and appropriate manner in light of changes in the environment in which we operate, and improvements will be made on an ongoing basis.

【Contact Information】

For inquiries regarding our privacy policy, please contact the following:

MINNADEOOYASAN-HANBAI Personal Information Inquiry Desk
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: 03-3556-1674 (Reception hours: 10:00-17:00*)
* Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, year-end and new year holidays, and summer holidays in Japan.

Handling of Personal Information

Purpose of Use of Personal Information We Handle

  1. Purposes of use of personal information obtained directly from the individual in writing (including information obtained through websites, e-mail, etc.):

    Written notice will be provided prior to collecting such information.

  2. Uses of personal information obtained through methods other than such described in the preceding paragraph:
    Classification Purpose of Use
    Customer Information ・To respond to customer inquiries
    ・To provide product information to a customer (e.g., to send materials).
    ・To respond to a customer’s request for product information materials (e.g., to send materials)
    ・To respond to a customer’s request for products (e.g., by sending contract documents)
    ・To send a customer documents required by laws and regulations.
    ・In addition, we may use such information for the proper and smooth execution of transactions with customers.
    Information about the person in charge at our business partners To confirm the content of orders (e.g. correspondence records, etc.)
    Specific Personal Information For the purposes set forth in applicable laws

Dissemination of Matters Concerning Retained Personal Data

Requests from a person concerned or his/her representative for notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, elimination, or suspension of provision to a third party of retained personal data or records we hold shall be handled in accordance with the following procedures:

1. Name of Operator

Hoken Yanase, Representative Director
Grace Kojimachi 3F, 12-3 Nibancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

2. Personal Information Protection Manager

Manager’s Name: Hiromitsu Sakai
Department: Sales Department
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: 03-3556-1674

3. Purpose of All Retained Personal Data

Classification Purpose of Use
Customer Information ・To respond to customer inquiries
・To provide product information to a customer (e.g., to send materials).
・To respond to a customer’s request for product information materials (e.g., to send materials)
・To send a customer documents required by laws and regulations.
・In addition, we may use such information for the proper and smooth execution of transactions with customers.
Information about the person in charge at our business partners To confirm the content of orders (e.g. correspondence records, etc.)
Information about our employees For personnel and work management, business management, health management and safety management of employees
Information about applicants for employment with us To contact applicants for employment and manage our recruitment activities
Specific Personal Information For the purposes set forth in applicable laws


4. Outsourcing the Handling of Personal Information

In the course of our business, we may outsource the handling of personal information to third parties for the purposes described in the previous section.
In this case, we will select a contractor with a high level of personal information protection, sign a contract for appropriate management and confidentiality of personal information, and have the contractor implement appropriate management.

5. Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

We will manage personal information appropriately and will not disclose or provide personal information to third parties without the prior consent of the individual.
However, the provision of personal information through outsourcing does not constitute the disclosure or provision of personal information to a third party.

6. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

  • Purpose of providing personal information to third parties:
    For the purposes of use described in “3.” above
  • Items of personal information to be provided:
    Name, mailing address, contact information, identification codes and advertising IDs associated with users, and cookies, including information about website browsing and usage history, etc.
  • Means or method of provision:
    Via the encrypted Web
  • The type of organization and attributes of the person or persons to whom such information is provided:
    Affiliated businesses (include businesses that operate data management platforms, digital platforms, businesses that distribute advertising and/or analyze information, and businesses that handle purchase information for the Group’s products).

7. contact for Complaints Regarding Handling of Retained Personal Data

MINNADEOOYASAN-HANBAI Personal Information Inquiry Desk
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: 03-3556-1674 (Reception hours: 10:00-17:00*)
* Monday through Friday, normal business days in Japan.
Grace Kojimachi 3F, 12-3 Nibancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

8. Authorized Personal Information Protection Organization

Name of authorized personal information protection organization: Japan Association of Information System Users (JUAS)
Contact for resolution of complaints: Complaint Consultation Office, Secretariat of the Authorized Personal Information Protection Organization
Address: NBF Higashi-Ginza Square 5F, 1-13-14 Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Telephone: 03-6264-1316
Office Hours: 10:00 – 16:00 (closed Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)
【This is not a contact for inquiries about our products or services】

9. Procedures for Responding to Requests for Disclosure of Retained Personal Data or Personal Data Obtained from Third Parties

  1. Contact for Disclosure Requests, etc.

    For requests for disclosure, etc., please contact our Personal Information Inquiries Desk above.
    * If you wish to request disclosure, etc. by electromagnetic means, please let us know. We will disclose your personal information in a manner consistent with your request to the extent possible.

  2. Procedure for Requests for Disclosure, etc.
    1. Upon receipt of your request, we will send you the prescribed request form “Request Form for Disclosure of Retained Personal Data” by mail.
    2. Please send the completed request form and a money order for the fee (request for “Disclosure of Purpose of Use” only) to our Personal Information Inquiry Desk above.
    3. Upon receipt of the above request form, we will ask you several items of personal information (e.g., telephone number, date of birth, etc.) that you have registered with us in order to verify your identity.
    4. In principle, a response will be sent in writing (in a sealed envelope) to the person concerned.
  3. If the request is made by a representative, documentation verifying that the representative is an authorized representative

    In the case of a request for disclosure by a representative, please attach documents proving that the representative is an authorized representative and documents proving the representative’s own identity. The residence information contained in each document should be limited to the prefecture of origin, and any information beyond that should be blacked-out. Please send us documents that do not contain your individual number, or otherwise black out all digits.

    1. Documents certifying that the applicant is an authorized representative
      In the case of a representative authorized by the principal to make a request for disclosure, etc. ・Letter of authorization from the principal (original)
      If the representative is the legal representative of a minor
      (a copy of one of the documents listed on the right:)
      ・A copy of one of the documents listed on the right ・Transcript of the family register
      ・Certificate of residence (showing the relationship between the minor and the representative)
      ・Other official documents that can confirm the authority of the legal representative
      If the agent is a legal representative of an adult ward
      (a copy of one of the documents listed on the right:)
      ・Certificate of registered matters concerning guardianship registration
      ・Other official documents that can confirm the authority of the legal representative
    2. Documents confirming the identity of the representative
      Documents confirming the identity of the representative ・Driver’s license
      ・Health insurance card (Please black-out all digits of the insured’s symbol, number, etc for submission)
      ・Certificate of residence
  4. Fees for a request for “Disclosure of Purpose of Use”

    1,000 yen per request
    (If your request is made in writing, please enclose a postal money order with the disclosure request form, etc. that you send. If you wish to make your request by other means, we will provide you with instructions at the time of your request)

10. System for handling personal information and details of measures

  1. Formulation of Basic Policy

    To ensure the proper handling of personal information in our possession, we have formulated a “Personal Information Protection Policy” regarding “Compliance with relevant laws, regulations, policies, etc.” and “Contact Desk for Handling Questions and Complaints.

  2. Establishing Rules for Handling Personal Information

    We have established personal information protection rules for each stage of collection, use, storage, provision, deletion, and disposal, specifying the handling methods, responsible persons, officers, and their duties.

  3. Organizational Security Control Measures
    1. In addition to appointing the person in charge of the handling of retained personal information, we have clarified the employees who handle retained personal information and the scope of retained personal information handled bysuch employees, and have established a system for reporting to the person in charge in the event that a violation of the law or handling regulations is detectedor there is evidence of such a violation.
    2. We conduct periodic self-inspections of our handling of retained personal information, as well as audits by other departments and outside parties.
  4. Personnel Security Control Measures
    1. Regular training is provided to employees on matters to be considered in the handling of retained personal information.
    2. Matters relating to the confidentiality of retained personal information are specified in the employment regulations.
  5. Physical Security Control Measures
    1. In the area where retained personal information is handled, we control the entry and exit of employees, restricts the equipment they may bring in, and takes measures to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing retained personal information.
    2. We take measures to prevent theft or loss of equipment, electronic media, and documents handling retained personal information and shall take measures to ensure that retained personal information is not readily identifiable when such equipment, electronic media, etc. are in transit, including during transportation within the business premises.
  6. Technical Security Control Measures
    1. Access control is implemented to limit the scope of persons in charge and the personal information databases, etc. that are handled.
    2. A system is in place to protect information systems that handle retained personal information from unauthorized external access or unauthorized software.

11. About cookies

We use cookies in the following ways for customer convenience.

■What is a cookie ?
A cookie is a mechanism that stores usage history, input content, and other information sent and received between a browser and a server as a file on the client’s computer when the client uses a Web page. The next time you access the same site, the site operator can use the information in the cookie to change the display for each customer. If you have set your browser preferences to allow the sending and receiving of cookies, the Web site may receive cookies from your browser. To protect your privacy, your browser will only send and receive cookies from the site’s server.

■About Google Analytics
We use Google Analytics, which is provided by Google. For more information about how Google Analytics handles data, please visit their website. For more information about how Google Analytics handles data, please visit their website.

Google’s Use of Information Collected from Sites and Applications That Use Google’s Services

■Cookie Settings
You can set your preferences for sending and receiving cookies, including “Allow all cookies,” “Block all cookies,” or “Notify me when I receive a cookie. Please refer to your browser’s “Help” menu for information on how to configure cookie settings. Please note that if you choose a setting that rejects all cookies, you may not be able to use services that require authentication, or your ability to use various services on the Internet may be limited.

■What we and our partners do with cookies
We and our partners use cookies for the following purposes:
・When a customer logs in to the authentication service, we and our partners refer to the customers’ stored registration information so that we can provide customized services to each customer.
・To display the most appropriate advertisements on other companies’ websites based on the content of the customer’s interests and usage on our and our affiliates’ websites.
・To study the number of users and traffic on our sites
・To improve our services
・To maintain security, to prompt customers to re-enter their passwords (re-authentication) after a period of time has elapsed since their last use of our website.
In addition, we may outsource the delivery of our advertisements to a third party, and our cookies may be stored and referred to via the third party.

12. Changes to the Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy posted on this Site is subject to change without notice in accordance with changes in the content of the Service. We will always post the most current Privacy Policy on this Site, so please check this page whenever you use the site.

Feel free to call us.

Business Hours: 9:00~17:00, Monday ~ Friday