Make Real Estate Investment Accessible to Everyone.

Let’s all be landlords
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  1. みんなで大家さん販売株式会社
  2. Customer Events
  3. Investment Information Sessions

Investment Information Sessions

During the presentation on fund products, our experts will act as instructors and provide a visual explanation on a screen. Normally, the instructor will give a 45-minute explanation of the program, and after that, if you have any questions, or would like to learn more, or would like to complete the application process, our employees will be happy to guide you through the process on an individual basis.
We also occasionally invite prominent figures and financial planners to participate as lecturers to explain the overall picture of asset management.

MOH-series is a small-lot real estate investment fund product that allows you to “earn rental income easily without the hassle of owning real estate”, but it is not risk-free.
Therefore, we would like to provide you with a detailed overview of this product, its risks, the protection mechanisms that mitigate the risks, and our past performance prior to your participation.

The List of Sessions

Overview of Investment Information Session

Date Irregular, approx. 1 hour (details to be announced on the website)
Capacity About 10
Venue MOH Tokyo Head Office
Lecturers TBA
Session Fee Free
Application TEL:0120-370-832 Available on (9:00~17:00(workday))
Or please click here.
Contact MOH(TEL:0120-370-832)

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Business Hours: 9:00~17:00, Monday ~ Friday