About Related Laws and Regulations
The Investment Act (Act Regulating the Receipt of Contributions, Receipt of Deposits and Interest Rates)
It is prohibited for an FTK operator to accept a capital contribution by expressly or implicitly indicating to an unspecified and large number of persons that the full amount of the capital contribution, or money equivalent to an amount exceeding the full amount of the capital contribution, will be paid at a later date as a refund of the capital contribution. Our contract forms clearly specify the risk of damage to your contributions, and we abide by the rules.
Financial Instruments and Exchange Act
The equity interest in the Agreement is not subject to the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law, as it does not fall under the category of “Deemed Securities” pursuant to Article 2, Paragraph 2, Item 5 (c) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act. However, with the implementation of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, the FTK Act, which is regulated based on the characteristics of real estate from the perspective of investor protection, will be amended and certain provisions of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act will be applied mutatis mutandis across the board.
Revision of the FTK Act
・Prohibition of re-solicitation (prohibition of solicitation of customers who have indicated their intention not to trade) -
Mutatis Mutandis Application of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act
・Principle of suitability (prohibition of solicitation of investment products that are unsuitable in light of the customer’s knowledge, experience, assets, and investment objectives)
・Prohibition on loss compensation
Act on Sales, etc. of Financial Instruments
- Requires a financial instruments provider to explain relevant risks to each customer.
- Requires a financial instruments provider to explain important matters to the customer, and fails to give an explanation on the relevant important matters or provides a conclusive evaluation, the relevant financial instruments provider is liable for the damages suffered by the relevant customer as a result thereof.
- Appropriateness of solicitation activities.
- Developing and posting solicitation policies.
Act on the Protection of Personal Information
The FTK operators will not use the personal information obtained through the execution of contracts for purposes other than those stated in the “Handling of Personal Information” section. In the event that the handling of personal information is entrusted to a third party in connection with the execution of a project, the FTK operators will conduct a rigorous investigation of said third party and exercise appropriate supervision to ensure that confidentiality is maintained.