Make Real Estate Investment Accessible to Everyone.

Let’s all be landlords
アイコン Language: 日本語|English

  1. みんなで大家さん販売株式会社
  2. Company Information
  3. Corporate Policy

Corporate Policy

Corporate Philosophy

Living with people, living with the Earth, practicing a symbiotic economy

“Symbiosis” is based on the concept that the essential desire of human beings is spiritual joy and spiritual growth, and that we should “live for the sake of” people and the Earth. The purpose of corporate activities based on the concept of “Symbiosis” is how to contribute to society through our products and services and how much we can satisfy consumers (creation of a prosperous society for humankind).

Business Vision

We will provide “genuine” asset management that eliminates anxiety about the future, provides security and delivers new social value to the world.

We will create a market that aims for income gains, which is advocated by the symbiotic economy and is drawn by putting it into practice, through a new asset management that takes real estate to a higher dimension, the “MOH Series”.

Guidelines for Business Conduct

We are aware of the social responsibility and public mission of our business and conduct sound business operations in accordance with our corporate philosophy, “Practice Symbiotic Economy” (Live Together, Live for the Benefit of Others).

  1.  We will comply with laws, regulations, and social rules based on high ethical standards and act in accordance with social norms.
  2.  We will conduct business with a high degree of transparency by striving to disclose information in a timely and appropriate manner through close communication both internally and externally.
  3.  We will strive to provide high-quality, valuable products and services with integrity, placing the safety and satisfaction of our customers as our first priority.
  4.  We will contribute to the sound development of the social economy by respecting the human rights and personalities of all stakeholders in accordance with the “Symbiotic Economic Practice”.
  5.  In the age of globalization, we respect different cultural traditions and customs.
  6.  As a “Good Corporate Citizen”, we will conduct social contribution activities with consideration for the local environment as a priority issue.
  7.  We shall take a firm stand against anti-social forces.
  8.  We will strive to leave a more prosperous and just society for the future society.
  9.  We regard the Corporate Code of Conduct as the basic responsibility of all officers and employees and strive to carry out our business in a sincere and fair manner.

Corporate Culture

Self-realization, Growth & Development, Intellectual Value Creation Group Oriented toward Social Contribution, Optimism, Challenge, Individuality

  • ・Passion for pursuing dreams
  • ・Spirit for challenge
  • ・Meticulous ability to take action
  • ・A sense of speed leading the times
  • ・Rich in Imagination
  • ・Belief in success

Passion for Success

The seven letters of “PASSION” represent the initials of the seven most important words for management.

PROFIT Maximize sales and minimize expenses.
AMBITION Maintain a strong and sustained desire that penetrates into the subconscious.
SINCERITY Act as though we are in the shoes of our business partners.
STRENGTH Strength is courage. There should never be cowardly behavior.
INNOVATION Today is better than yesterday, tomorrow is better than today, we will demonstrate our imagination and continue to improve.
OPTIMISM Always be bright and positive, have dreams and hopes, and act with a sincere heart.
NEVER GIVE UP We will promote our busines steadily step by step and achive our goals with efforts that are second to none.

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Feel free to call us.

Business Hours: 9:00~17:00, Monday ~ Friday