Make Real Estate Investment Accessible to Everyone.

Let’s all be landlords
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  1. みんなで大家さん販売株式会社
  2. Customer Events
  3. Individual Consultation

Individual Consultation

We provide individual consultation services to each customer who comes to our office. Individual consultation is recommended for those who have already read the brochure and have specific questions. We will respond with sincerity until you understand and are satisfied with our products. Even if you haven’t had time to look at the brochure yet, or if you have requested information and would like to receive an explanation immediately, please feel free to join us for an easy-to-understand explanation from the beginning, we will provide you a service just like a product consultation.

MOH welcomes individual consultations for those who want relatively stable investment, are considering diversified investment, are attracted to real estate investment, are tired of daily price fluctuations in stock investments, etc., have little time to devote to asset management, or want to systematically build up their assets.

Please click here for a consultation

Customer Events Menu

Feel free to call us.

Business Hours: 9:00~17:00, Monday ~ Friday